2023 Family Reunion – New Market, VA


Reunion Minutes
June 16, 17, 18, 2023
New Market, Virginia

The association members met on Friday evening June 16 th with their headquarters at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church in New Market. It was a return to this historic area after an absence of 10 years with the last reunion being held there in 2013.

A reception was hosted at the church by Bob & Margie Moore. Attendees were treated with a delicious assortment of snacks prepared by Margie and (Chef) Bob. The evening was made even more enjoyable by meeting old friends and welcoming several Hinkle descendants who were attending their first reunion. Registration was completed for reunion attendees by association treasurer Kim Linger, acting secretary Sherry Hess in place of secretary Cindy Hershberger, who could not attend because of a scheduling conflict with her job, and Lori Hinkle Hoover who furnished name tags & reunion programs to everyone. Association officers welcomed those in attendance and discussed the schedule and details for the weekend’s activities.

On display at the reception and for the reunion was an outstanding display with handouts concerning the conservation and preservation of historic items and documents by Hinkle descendant Prof. Noel Tenney of the Upshur County WV Historical Society. President Eddie Hinkle presented some welcome news that he had confirmed with officials of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley at Winchester, Virginia that The Henkel Press is now on permanent display at the museum and is one of their most visited displays.

The association members present began their day on Saturday June 17 th at 8:30 a.m. in the meeting room of The Emmanuel Church by completing registration for those not present the previous evening. At 9:00 a.m. they moved to the Sanctuary for a presentation of the history of The Henckel Press by J. Robert Moore. The printing company started in 1806 and continued in some form until 1974. Since our 2013 meeting in New Market, the Henckel Printing Company billboard type sign had been beautifully redone covering the side of the building where it had operated at one time. At 10:00 a.m. the group moved outside to the adjoining cemetery. Bob Moore had distributed a handout of the cemetery history including a diagram of the rows and a brief history of the graves in those rows. Eddie Hinkle and Bob gave a review of the Hinkle family members interred there and those present were able to follow the handout for a walking tour of this hallowed ground. At 11:00 a.m. members traveled a few blocks to the New Market Park for a 11:30 picnic catered by Cindy Reamer and her Southern Kitchen Restaurant. The picnic on this beautiful summer day in the Shenandoah Valley was certainly enjoyed by all. At 1:30 p.m. the reunion program resumed at the old Hinkle home on main street with an exciting program by owner Joe Tusing assisted by association Historian, Greg Adamson. Joe, whose mother Bessie Tusing lived in the house and was the Hinkle Association treasurer for many years has developed part of the house into a museum of Hinkle items and a huge collection of paintings and photos of Hinkle family ancestors, their homes and businesses in the New Market area.

Joe’s enthusiasm in his work preserving these items and describing interesting facts about many of them was certainly contagious. Greg & Joe then moved to the courtyard behind the house and the apothecary shop which contained Dr. Solomon Hinkle’s office. They then led a walking tour of other locations and houses of Hinkle history in New Market. The association’s annual meeting and banquet began at 6:30 p.m. in the banquet room of the Southern Kitchen Restaurant. Once again Cindy Reamer and her staff had prepared a delicious buffet dinner from which no one left hungry! The business meeting began immediately after dinner. The secretary and treasures reports were completed with treasurer Kim Linger reporting that donations for the Hinkle Cemetery in Germany Valley had been excellent and that the previous week extensive drive way work had been completed including installation of a 24” diameter culvert and stone work including 7 truckloads of stone to correct the deterioration of the drive which had taken place for several years. The cost of the job was $2,333.00. Historian Greg Adamson was heartily thanked for overseeing the completion of the job. A motion to approve the reports by Robert Frye with a second by Stephen Reynalds was approved unanimously. Secretary reported that 53 persons had registered for the reunion from 9 different states.

The next item of business which had previously been announced to the membership as per the association bylaws was the reduction of annual dues from the present $25.00 per year to $15.00 per year starting in 2024. Upon a motion by Gary Boston which was seconded by Howard Estes the motion again passed unanimously.

This being the odd numbered year per the association bylaws, officers for the next two years were elected. On a motion by Jim Frankey seconded by Howard Estes present officers were re-elected for 2024-2025.

President – Eddie J Hinkle
Vice President – Gary Boston
Treasurer- Kimberly Linger
Historian – Greg Adamson
Secretary – Cynthia Hinkle Hershberger
There were no other nominations from the floor.

The following item discussed was the maintenance of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church. The church is owned by the Koiner Foundation. The cemetery is owned and maintained by the Reformation Lutheran Church of New Market. Bob Moore reported that the bell tower and other items are in need of repair. The Koiner Foundation Funds have maintained the church since the 1960’s when it was no longer an active church. Stephen Reynalds raised the question of what we could do to help preserve this iconic church of Hinkle history. The Koiner Foundation which is closely linked to the Hinkle family for several generations now needs extra funding support.

The executive committee, Officers of the association have decided that since the Germany Valley Cemetery fund is in good shape even after the recent expenses to request in our fall and spring newsletter to ask that instead of sending donations to the cemetery fund that you send them to The Emmanuel Church maintenance fund. More details will follow in our fall newsletter. Donations for the church repairs should be made to Henckel Family Association, Inc. and mailed to Kimberly Linger, 1468 Shawnee Drive, Buckhannon, WV 26201.

The last business item of the meeting was the confirmation that the 2024 reunion will be
held in Buckhannon, WV on Father’s Day weekend in June 2024. The association last met in
Buckhannon in 2004, 20 years ago. There is a lot of Hinkle history in this central area of WV.
9:00 p.m. Saturday, June 17th meeting was adjourned with benediction by Pastor Greg Adamson.